IPA: peɪɫioʊkɫaɪmʌtˈɑɫʌdʒi
- Alternative form of palaeoclimatology [The scientific study of prehistoric climate of the Earth.]
Examples of "paleoclimatology" in Sentences
- First is paleoclimatology, that is reconstruction of climate of the past.
- Fritts 2003, it has not been addressed in long-term paleoclimatology reconstructions.
- The main impact of Climategate is casting doubt on paleoclimatology, that is trying to reconstruct the past few millennia of climate to assess how anomalous the current warming is.
- I wikipediaed not a real word the word paleoclimatology it tell what it is but not when the science started, who coined the term the first degrees who got first degrees, is there a degree in it?
- People make extravagant claims -- "As certain as gravity," says Al Gore -- about a branch of science, paleoclimatology, that is only 25 years old (the first textbook on paleoclimate came out in 1980).
- One fact about which general public is not aware: there are two climate sciences, the one called paleoclimatology, and the one more known due media hype - computer modelling of the present climate system.
- Other fields, such as paleoclimatology or paleo-anything are exercises in historical interpretation, and involve trying to match a theory to an inferred proxy data set that implies a variable of interest.
- Climate change crops up a lot, most notably in the sessions on atmospheric sciences and global environmental change, but also in sessions on the cryosphere, ocean sciences, biogeosciences, paleoclimatology, and hydrology.