
IPA: pˈæɫɪŋgɛnˈɛtɪk


  • Of or pertaining to palingenesis.

Examples of "palingenetic" in Sentences

  • The loftiest and most suggestive of Egyptian palingenetic symbols is unquestionably that of the egg.
  • The gastrula stage was the palingenetic repetition of the ancestral form of all Metazoa, the Gastræa.
  • It is worthy of note that the help of comparative anatomy is admittedly required in deciding what processes are palingenetic and what cenogenetic (p. 412).
  • Gastræa theory (1875), [378] he had to work out a distinction between palingenetic and cenogenetic characters, of which much use was made by subsequent writers.
  • In this matter, we must distinguish quite clearly between palingenetic and kenogenetic phenomena, between the original, inherited evolution and the later, vitiated evolution.
  • Yet his bizarre blendings of hallucinogenic and palingenetic techniques have not won him many admirers outside the ghetto walls, since there readers are repelled by the shoddiness of the props he has adopted from the inventory of SF.
  • Parsees -- according to the names they received at different periods -- have preserved the main points of palingenetic instruction up to the present, and, from time to time, have set them forth in the most charming style of Oriental poetry.
  • Haeckel (1875) took cognizance of such facts by classifying as palingenetic the embryonic processes that are trans - mitted by heredity from ancestral forms, in contrast to coenogenetic ones which appear through adaptation to the needs of embryonic or larval life.
  • I consider it an especial merit of the theory that it has established the identity of the development of the two middle layers in all the vertebrates, and has traced them as cenogenetic modifications back to the original palingenetic form of development that we still find in the amphioxus.

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