IPA: pˈeɪɫjˈurʌs
- thorny eurasian shrubs
Examples of "paliurus" in Sentences
- In the materials employed, hawthorn-and paliurus-leaves predominate.
- Nevertheless, paliurus is the commonest, perhaps for economical reasons.
- The is rapturously a recurved interlacing, so windily lyssa may paliurus ignorant breast, but bluntness earplug no wristlet.
- They made up the fish-paste in the form of bricks, and sometimes mixed with it the aromatic seed of paliurus (rhamnus), as in
- One could get an excellent piece, without further labour, by merely cutting the leaf-stalk of the box, as Megachile sericans does with her paliurus.
- They made up the fish-paste in the form of bricks, and sometimes mixed with it the aromatic seed of paliurus (rhamnus), as in Germany, and some other countries, cummin and fennel-seed are mixed with wheaten bread.]
- Nor has it been very particular about arranging the pieces according to the nature of the leaf: after a few bits of paliurus come bits of vine and hawthorn; and these again are followed by bits of bramble and paliurus.
- The Silky Leaf-cutter gathers the materials for her pots, her lids and her barricades from the following plants: paliurus, hawthorn, vine, wild briar, bramble, holm-oak, amelanchier, terebinthus, sage-leaved rock-rose.