IPA: pʌɫˈeɪdiʌm
- A safeguard.
- A chemical element (symbol Pd) with an atomic number of 46: a rare, lustrous silvery-white metal.
- (countable) A single atom of this element.
Examples of "palladium" in Sentences
- PALCA: And first of all - so palladium is a catalyst in this particular case.
- Short term palladium may have seen a high from the establishment (and focused spotlights) of the new ETF.
- Wieland had observed that palladium is capable of absorbing hydrogen from certain organic compounds, which means their partial combustion or oxidation.
- But "steady exhaustion" of palladium stocks could boost the metal, said strategist Michael Jansen, suggesting "the real long-term palladium price" should be around $450.
- Long-term palladium prices are projected to be $400/oz "with considerable upside risk due to a severe structural deficit, rising production costs and the market's dependence on Russian stocks for balance,"