IPA: pˈæɫiʌtɪv
- (medicine) Something that palliates, particularly a palliative medicine.
- Serving to palliate; serving to extenuate or mitigate.
- (medicine) Minimising the progression of a disease and relieving undesirable symptoms for as long as possible, rather than attempting to cure the (usually incurable) disease.
Examples of "palliative" in Sentences
- There is a combined program with Critical Care Medicine in palliative care.
- By what we term palliative treatment alone more cures are effected than by the old process of treatment with nitric acid.
- She avoided the phrase palliative care because care, she wrote, “is a soft word” that would never win respectability in the medical world.
- The getting-over-it approach is to continue to actively work to reduce and debunk the misconceptions and stigma associated with the term palliative care.
- She founded the palliative medical field of music -- thanatology and the Chalice of Repose Project, which trains teachers in palliative music vigils with the dying.
- Most of the patients they see in palliative care was cancer patients, but they are now seeing more cardiovascular problems, respiratory cases, HIV/AIDS, and end-stage cardiac or renal disease.
- Rather than shirking from the term palliative care, they have thrown their weight and credibility behind it in a further effort to educate clinicians and consumers about palliative care and to reduce stigma associated with the term.