
IPA: pˈæɫɝ


  • Unnatural paleness, especially as a sign of sickness or distress.

Examples of "pallor" in Sentences

  • The pallor might be the result of emotion, or it might be natural.
  • At his watchful distance, her pallor was a beacon, a broadcast resonance.
  • He has a tendency to lose his temper and order God to curse people with his skin pallor.
  • It was anger that had seized Mrs. Strickland, and her pallor was the pallor of a cold and sudden rage.
  • I assumed her pallor was the result of being indoors all the time and that the blue vein that beat wildly at her temple was a kind of inner metronome.
  • The pallor is the pallor of hardship, often of the lack of the right kind of nourishment, but the stillness is not the result of inward personal calm and peace.
  • Even though Freeman's lovely caramel pallor is at odds with these facts, he nonetheless projects the necessary authority to play America’s most-celebrated military and civil leader.
  • Do this by wasting money every two weeks on at least one expensive rouge lipstick that, once you have left the shop, turns out to be too berry, too Royal Mail-box red, too silt puddle brown or too zany raspberry for your skin pallor.
  • We both, she and I, took after our mother, were broad shouldered, strongly built, and capable of endurance, but her pallor was a sign of ill-health; she often had a cough, and I sometimes caught in her face that look one sees in people who are seriously ill, but for some reason conceal the fact.

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