
IPA: pˈæɫsid


  • Afflicted with palsy.
  • Trembling as if afflicted with palsy.

Examples of "palsied" in Sentences

  • Without the palsied hand of government, the unions would wither and die.
  • On a branch outside a sparrow flexed its wings and shimmied side to side in a palsied dance.
  • Fortunately, the T stop was deserted while the green line train approached as fast and steady as a palsied dentist.
  • Finally, the captain's son, irritated beyond measure, jerked the book from the palsied fingers of the old man and found the place.
  • They were age-twisted and palsied, faithful to their meat, a generation out of the past that watched unmoved the antics of younger life.
  • The thought made the old man panicky for the moment, and he stretched forth a palsied hand which wandered tremblingly over the small heap of dry wood beside him.
  • With rheumy eyes they saw to his needs, with palsied hands filling his glass or striking him on the back between the shoulders when death stirred and he coughed and gasped.
  • He must have been nearly eighty that spring morning on the cliffs when he signalled with palsied hand for his litter to be rested down that he might gaze upon us whom he had punished for so long.
  • Possibly, at least in theory, I might have struggled my way to write some of my other books, in some palsied form, if Howard were not in my lifebut I certainly could never have written this one without him.
  • As Helga considered the implications of Jake's aggressively styled hairdo and my middle sister's nubile young body traveling at speed behind the wheel of a moving automobile, her eyebrows did a kind of palsied tremor, eventually settling back into their resting place above her wrinkled gaze.

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