IPA: pˈɔɫtrinʌs
- The characteristic of being paltry.
Examples of "paltriness" in Sentences
- This was not referring to the paltriness of the army.
- Anything less shows paltriness and a lack of credibility.
- Everyone is in dancer of succumbing to what de Tocqueville called “paltriness of aim.”
- Amid the glories of Chartres he could not help thinking about the paltriness of his own time.
- Continually get away from pettiness and paltriness of mind and thought out into the thirteenth chapter of St. John's Gospel.
- It could be that the paltriness of color this year is purely due to too much moisture, mold, moisture-loving bugs, that sort of thing.
- But to critics, that same proportional paltriness of what's gained make the abuses and errors suffered under the 287 (g) program even less justifiable: rough means to ultimately puny ends.