IPA: pænkriˈætɪk
- Of or pertaining to the pancreas
Examples of "pancreatic" in Sentences
- The endocrine pancreas is mainly composed of endocrine cells, which are called pancreatic Islets.
- Imagine what it would be like if you or your dearest loved one drew the card called pancreatic cancer.
- These tumors, called pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, occur only in three people out of every million.
- The disease is called pancreatic islet cell tumors, and they represent roughly 5% of all cases of pancreatic cancer.
- Would he last two weeks, but spend the last week in pancreatic cancer-induced ravings, screaming and not knowing my name?
- Radiation therapy can boost longevity in rare pancreatic cancer patients WASHINGTON - People with rare pancreatic cancer, called pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours
- Pancreatic NET, also known as islet cell tumors, is a rare type of cancer different from pancreatic exocrine cancer, which is generally referred to as pancreatic cancer[5],[9].
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