IPA: pænɝˈæmɪk
- (photography) A panoramic image.
- Of or pertaining to a panorama; with a wide view.
Examples of "panoramic" in Sentences
- Venice drove my interest in panoramic photography.
- JOHNS: That's what I call a panoramic view of the studio.
- A third feature growing out of this was that before the mind of the English people you had, as it were, in panoramic view, set forth the actual religious work that is being done in every part of the British Empire.
- Before embarking on the project, Roberts realized that she wasn't cut out to write conventional pieces, and COIN COIN gave her the opportunity to stitch these fragments together, a practice she's called panoramic sound quilting.
- In the very design of Gibbon there is a certain poetical attraction; his work may aptly be described as panoramic, unrolling a vast picture or succession of pictures, too vague in outline and too monotonous in color for minute impressions, yet, on this account, the more remarkable for general effect.
- And I just wanted to let you know that we first knew about these scarps from Apollo-era photography of the camera that was flown on the Apollo, panoramic I'm sorry, on the Apollo missions, the 15, 16 and 17 Apollo missions, it was called the panoramic camera, and it was this really fantastic camera that could take very high-resolution pictures of the surface.
- The cristae significantly expand the surface means limited to) an increased basal metabolic rate area of each mitochondrion, thereby increasing its (BMR) and improved insulin sensitivity, two states cellular respiratory capacity and the ensuing themselves identified as panoramic links to the production of ATP The space within the cristae and. prevention of a myriad of health disorders.