IPA: pˈæntʌɫun
- An aging buffoon.
- Trousers reminiscent of the tight-fitting leggings traditionally worn by a pantaloon.
- A kind of fabric.
Examples of "pantaloon" in Sentences
- Pants come from the word "pantaloon" which was originally underwear.
- His neighbor perhaps will be an old gentleman, the very type of the old "pantaloon" whose mask was in the old comedy supposed to be the impersonation of
- Pantaloons in our Pantomimes: though Colney says that the multiplication of the pantaloon is a distinct advance to representative truth -- and bother Colney!
- Clowns and Pantaloons in our Pantomimes: though Colney says that the multiplication of the pantaloon is a distinct advance to representative truth -- and bother Colney!
- The principal one resembled the clown of modern pantomime; another was a kind of pantaloon or charlatan, and much of the rest consisted of practical jokes, like that of the Italian Polincinella.
- The first non-Discworld Pratchett in decades has the familiar mix of serious plotting and underlying farce, as an iconoclastic Polynesian lad and a properly raised Victorian lass carry on through tsunami, plague, shipwreck, pigs, pantaloon birds, gods, grandparents and cannibals.
- I've owned and worn pantaloon and tunic sets in bright, cool cottons; let me be the first to recommend these, also I've worn the Malaysian tunic and long pleated skirt sets; also incredibly comfortable; remember, these styles have been developed and worn by people who live in tropical heat year in, year out.