IPA: pˈænθiˈɪst
- A person who believes in pantheism.
- Of or relating to pantheism.
Examples of "pantheist" in Sentences
- The name pantheist was introduced by John Toland (1670-1722) in his
- He (possibly) coined the term "pantheist" and used it as a synonym for "Spinozist."
- I wonder if it might not be argued that the pantheist is more “honest” in his articulation.
- A pantheist might be a kind of existentialist with regard to questions like "Why is there anything at all?"
- To this day Bruno is ordinarily termed a pantheist, and his theory, which in the light of much fuller knowledge I am advocating,
- Pattison he describes as a conservative agnostic or pantheist, meaning by 'conservative' a man who thought it better to preserve old forms.
- His admiration for Shintoism would seem to indicate that the appellation pantheist might be the closest thing that accurately describes his religious views.
- A kind of pantheist grandeur made me one with the village, so that I felt part of its destination; and washed of my fever, ice-cold but alive, it seemed I would never lose it again ....
- Technically Whitman may be classified as a pantheist -- a believer in a divine spirit manifested in the universe and permeating every part of it -- though his philosophy is by no means identical with that of Spinoza or any other pantheistic thinker.