
IPA: pɑpɑvɝˈini


  • (organic chemistry, pharmacology) A nonaddictive derivative of opium used in medicine to relieve muscle spasms, as a vasodilator and in some forms of erectile dysfunction.

Examples of "papaverine" in Sentences

  • Diseases such as papaverine, and the tongue: so does this formulation harder erections.
  • Street heroin contains papaverine, a remnant of the opium poppy that can be detected in the urine.
  • Some men were also given injections of a drug called papaverine, a muscle stimulant that can boost erections.
  • He contributed greatly towards the definition of the arrangement of atoms within molecules of morphine, papaverine, narcotine, etc.
  • If impotence is caused by a constriction of blood vessels or by nerve damage to these vessels, injecting papaverine directly into the penis before having sex can stimulate an erection.
  • Over the next few minutes, Snyder gave the president amyl nitrite to sniff and injections of papaverine hydrochloride, morphine tartrate, heparin, and, later, a second shot of morphine.

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