
IPA: pˈeɪpɝbækt


  • Having the sort of flexible binding characteristic of a paperback book.

Examples of "paperbacked" in Sentences

  • She opened the purse and withdrew a paperbacked bub - ble with a blue derm inside.
  • It was first published in hardback by Muller in 1984, and then paperbacked by Sphere in 1985.
  • A small bookcase housed an array of medical volumes, some copies of the Australian Medical Journal, and three or four paperbacked novels.
  • The fact of the matter is, "Future Shock" was the first of a line of serious books that were paperbacked and sold in very, very large numbers.
  • O this is easy put in motion some old series to be trade paperbacked such as the original Booster Gold, New Warriors, Quasar, Blue Beetle and the like.
  • On the other hand some deal bookshelves had been built along one wall, which were stacked with paperbacked books in French, German, English, and presumably Danish too.
  • Using a record-sized camera they take color shots of the material to be reproduced, etch the exposures so obtained on copper plates, and use the plates for printing by the gravure process on an extremely thin paperbacked film.

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