IPA: pˈeɪpɝbɔrd
- A thick paper, or thin cardboard.
Examples of "paperboard" in Sentences
- The packaging for the new toys is minimal plain paperboard packaging made from recycled materials.
- Slim-Fast MEAL OPTIONS Breakfast & Lunch Bars Peanut Butter season sole in paperboard boxes, 8 bars per box, 1.2 oz. (34 g) any assorted best-if-used by dates.
- Slim-Fast optima caramel crispy peanut MEAL on-the-go bars -- sole in paperboard boxes, 6 bars per box, 1.97 oz. (56 g) any with assorted best-if-used by dates.
- Slim-Fast MEAL OPTIONS Breakfast & Lunch Bars Dutch Chocolate season sole in paperboard boxes, 8 bars per box, 1.2 oz. (34 g) any assorted best-if-used by dates.
- Universal Music recently began using our REPAK, which is an all paperboard solution that uses both recycled and virgin paperboard, all 3rd-party certified board.