IPA: pˈeɪpɝbɔj
- A male who delivers newspapers to houses on a paper round.
Examples of "paperboy" in Sentences
- From paperboy in ‘Our Town’ to minister in a movie.
- Mimo was a fat man, always in a turtleneck and paperboy cap.
- Thankfully I chose 'paperboy' not 'cocaine raddled gutter lady'.
- I trace that itch to my days as a paperboy who consumed his own product, the Newark Star-Ledger.
- Spidey, for example, is a paperboy, and he and Brock (Venom) are in competition for the best routes.
- The paperboy is a bit more complex now, but that decision as to whether he's been stiffed or not belongs to him, not the customer.
- To entice adults with cars to fill this role, newspaper executives switched from using the term paperboy to independent delivery contractor.
- That Ace of Spades cut just brought down the house! squeeze the cream from the last few hours of '09! this ace of spades version was great! come on ... update the playlist! great it was eli "paperboy" reed - i have the single
- I mean, consider that over the past few years, he has fought his way through two life-threatening bouts with cancer -- working all the while, including as a "paperboy" for the Winnipeg Sun, delivering the paper each morning, whatever the weather.