
IPA: pˈeɪpɝhæŋɪŋ


  • (uncountable) The trade of hanging wallpaper on walls.
  • (countable) Wallpaper.
  • (uncountable, slang) The illegal activities of a paperhanger; counterfeiting fraud.

Examples of "paperhanging" in Sentences

  • Slyme was doing the paperhanging piecework -- so much for each roll hung.
  • "Now, Taney, which is it to be, paperhanging or --," and James Harrison pointed to the button.
  • My plasterers and plumbers are gone; and my bricklayers and carpenters going; and I have now only painting and paperhanging to endure for a week or two longer. ...
  • He undertook painting, glazing, paperhanging, and even tiling roofs, and I can remember his running about for three days to find tilers for the sake of a paltry job.
  • Don't just ask if there is work - ask 'Are there jobs for electricians with 5 years experience?' or 'I have a degree in paperhanging, will this be recognised there?'
  • He watched Joanna do plumbing repairs, and in Pickax he had supervised Pete Parrott's paperhanging and Mr. O'Dell's window washing and carpet cleaning, as well as Qwilleran's pecking on the typewriter.
  • He was intimate with all the paperhanging in the house; saw things that no one else saw in the patterns; found out miniature tigers and lions running up the bedroom walls, and squinting faces leering in the squares and diamonds of the floor-cloth.
  • He was intimate with all the paperhanging in the house; saw things that no one else saw in the patterns; found out miniature tigers and lions running up the bedroom walls, and squinting faces leering in the squares and diamonds of the floor – cloth.

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synonyms for paperhangingdescribing words for paperhanging

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