IPA: pʌpˈɪɫʌ
- (anatomy) A nipple-like protuberance on a part or organ of the body.
- A vascular process of connective tissue extending into and nourishing the root of a hair, feather, or developing tooth.
- Any of the vascular protuberances of the dermal layer of the skin extending into the epidermal layer and often containing tactile corpuscles.
- Any of the small protuberances on the upper surface of the tongue often containing taste buds.
- (botany) A small fleshy projection on a plant.
Examples of "papilla" in Sentences
- It can be easily identified by its small size and absence of a papilla on the tongue.
- Nourishment for the growing hair is derived from a dermal projection into the hair bulb called the papilla.
- I have even seen parents who think the nasopalatine papilla the soft pink bump between the two front teeth is an extra tooth.
- Taste buds are on the sides of these papillae and can taste chemicals that travel in saliva through the between-papilla grooves.
- Three Random Words: la panosse (f) = floorcloth = passer la panosse = to mop the floor le monticule (m) = hillock, mound; heap la papille (f) = papilla = les papilles gustatives = taste buds
- The papilla, the white part of the kidney where urine is concentrated, is a target for these drugs; once the concentrating mechanism is damaged, protein and tissue are excreted in the urine.
- It is more common to meet with a condition in which the patient complains of severe burning or aching pain in the region of the foliate papilla, which is situated on the edge of the tongue just in front of the anterior pillar of the fauces.
- Each papilla consists of a projection of mucous membrane from 1 to 2 mm. wide, attached to the bottom of a circular depression of the mucous membrane; the margin of the depression is elevated to form a wall (vallum), and between this and the papilla is a circular sulcus termed the fossa.