IPA: pˈɛrʌbʌɫ
- A short narrative illustrating a lesson (usually religious/moral) by comparison or analogy.
- (transitive) To represent by parable.
- (obsolete) That can easily be prepared or procured; obtainable.
Examples of "parable" in Sentences
- Also, a parable is a work of fiction told to help teach a lesson.
- "I'm afraid, Nina, that's what they call a parable," said he, darkly.
- Actually the Greek uses the word parable, which is a metaphorical story.
- A parable is told in Matthew*** (a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) about a man who owned a vineyard.
- But before we come unto the matter, you shall first learn to understand what this word parable, which is a Greek word, and used in the Latin and
- Now this parable is applicable to another purpose than that for which it was intended; and does excellently set forth the kindness and love of God our Saviour towards sinful miserable man.
- This parable is another way applicable, and may be taken as designed to teach us to begin speedily to be religious, rather than to begin cautiously; and may mean the same with Matt.v. 25, Agree with thine adversary quickly.
- To the application of the parable is added here, which we had not before, their deprecation of the doom included in it (v. 16): When they heart it, they said, God forbid, Me genoito -- Let not this be done, so it should be read.