IPA: pˈɛrʌʃutɝ
- One who uses a parachute; a parachutist.
Examples of "parachuter" in Sentences
- It's obviously a parachuter, coming down to land on a bouey.
- As we were watching a parachuter landed in the dunes on the refuge.
- Empire State Building owners sue parachuter for $12 M. [Daily News]
- Just out of curiosity, why did you add the parachuter to the list of ‘bad guys?’
- With three minutes left I was waiting for a jaw dropper and all I got was another parachuter?
- MEADE (on camera): We learned today in fact that Daniel Metzgersk (ph) is still up to become a Gold Knight parachuter.
- MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN: There ` s a high chance here that they have a fracture of the heal called a parachuter ` s fracture.
- For most parachute designs, 380 feet would probably be cutting it close, but again I think it depends on the design and the experience of the parachuter.