IPA: pˈɛrʌʃutɪst
- Someone who jumps from an aircraft using a parachute, especially as a sport.
Examples of "parachutist" in Sentences
- He is however "P" qualified, parachutist/airborne.
- So actually, I guess parachutist is on the top of the list.
- The parachutist is the newest addition to this year's festival.
- Canadian parachutist badge, Honduran parachutist badge, West German silver marksmanship cord.
- Now we see a cannon-shaped hedge, a topiary aircraft and parachutist, and red flowers blooming like bombs or blood.
- Golf trips to Lahinch with the randy priest, the time he is on patrol with the local militia and they follow a cow around the mountainside all night thinking it is a Nazi parachutist.
- A DD215 issued June 28 to correct the DD214 deletes the expert field medical badge, parachutist badge, Special Forces tab and the second award of the National Defense Service Medal from
- BUT has lost his DD214, volunteers for all details, likes to wear white trousers and a NCO sword with his dress blues every chance he gets, and recently now wears the Combatant Divers badge, previously only wore the gold wings of a naval parachutist.
- According to another report from the UK Times, "The parachutist was a group of 32 adventurers who paid £17,000 each to jump from a plane around 1,000 feet above Everest's summit, freefalling past the summit at speeds of 180mph before opening their canopies and descending thousands of feet into the mountain's lower valleys.".