IPA: pɝˈækɫit
- An advocate or helper.
- (Christianity) The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, especially in its role as comforter of the faithful.
- Alternative letter-case form of Paraclete, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. [(Christianity) The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, especially in its role as comforter of the faithful.]
Examples of "paraclete" in Sentences
- Strictly speaking the word paraclete means the defence counsel.
- And it is very observable, that this very word paraclete, though it be not a
- For a definition of "paraclete" and lots of other New Testament vocabulary, click here.
- P.S. For a definition of "paraclete" and lots of other New Testament vocabulary, click here.
- After that came Eusebius of Cæsarea, who taught that the spirit paraclete is neither of Father nor Son.
- Moreover, it is stated lower down of this same martyr, that he was 'called the paraclete (or advocate) of the Christians, having the Paraclete in himself, the Spirit more abundantly than Zacharias.'
- The result of Socrates 'losing his way in thought and ending up stymied in Agathon's neighbor's porch is that Aristodemus, like a proper Socratic paraclete, arrives at Agathon's quite a bit before Socrates.
- He grants to good and bad alike, but justification, sanctification, continued intercession, and peace, He grants to His children alone. advocate -- Greek, "paraclete," the same term as is applied to the Holy
- One might imagine that Gnostic Aslan as a weaker paraclete, one whose abandonment of Narnia is only the necessary relocation of a limited force of light called away to battle evil on another front, a Phildickian saviour-in-hiding who “must invade reality in order to redeem it”.