
IPA: pˈɛrʌdˈɪdʌɫ


  • (music) A percussive exercise (one of 26 drum rudiments per the National Association of Rudimental Drummers or one of 40 per the Percussive Arts Society) which involves playing four even strokes in the order ‘right left right right’ or ‘left right left left.’


  • To produce percussive sounds of this kind.

Examples of "paradiddle" in Sentences

  • Or if one starts with the left hand the paradiddle looks like this:
  • I never sat in a room and tried to copy records or practice a paradiddle.
  •   Finally, I get the flam paradiddle-diddles going and I begin my accelerando.
  • The basic paradiddle is played by the hands with the following repeating pattern:
  • The paradiddle is another important snare drum rudiment that will help one get a handle on the sticks.
  • I am very familiar with the paradiddle after having taught many beginning percussionsists how to play one!
  •   She uses fat marching sticks, her hands arthritic, weightless flam paradiddle-diddles tossed off left and right, her accelerando poised and controlled.
  • I take a deep breath and try again, spitting out a right-handed flam paradiddle-diddle, then a sound from the drum like wiping out on my bicycle, and my sticks come to rest with a buzz.
  •   I take a deep breath and try again, spitting out a right-handed flam paradiddle-diddle, then a sound from the drum like wiping out on my bicycle, and my sticks come to rest with a buzz.
  •   I'm fine with left-handed flam paradiddle-diddles because I'm right-handed, but Mrs. Karash expects me to alternate left and right, and to accelerando, until I'm playing flam paradiddle-diddles fast like syncopated rolls.

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