IPA: pɛrʌnˈɔɪʌ
- The obsolete name for a psychotic disorder, now called delusional disorder, often (in one of 6 subtypes) characterized by delusions of persecution and perceived threat against the individual affected with the disorder, and often associated with false accusations and general mistrust of others
- Extreme, irrational distrust of others.
Examples of "paranoia" in Sentences
- His constant paranoia made it difficult for him to trust anyone, even his closest friends
- The heightened sense of paranoia caused her to constantly check her surroundings and feel on edge
- The paranoia of being watched made him cover up his computer camera with tape
- Despite reassurances from her loved ones, the paranoia of failure continued to plague her thoughts
- His paranoia about germs led him to carry hand sanitizer with him everywhere he went