IPA: pʌkˈɑn
- A deciduous tree, Carya illinoinensis, of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts.
- A smooth, thin-shelled, edible oval nut of this tree.
- A half of the edible portion of the inside of this nut.
Examples of "pecan" in Sentences
- Snow Nov 17 pumpkin pecan pie. two in one kinda thing.
- I would give every participant some, but $56.20 a pecan is expensive!
- Reasonable people can differ as to whether the black walnut or the pecan is the queen of nuts.
- March 14th, 2010 at 10: 46 am dbadass says: pecan is cool but it has to be served still warm …
- You'll find that this same method works with many different nuts, although the pecan is by far the most traditional.
- The recipe starts with a relatively plain pecan muffin batter - but that is the only thing remotely plain about this recipe.
- _Carya-ovalis_, and the pallid hickory, _Carya pallida_; while two belong to the open bud class, _Apocarya_, the pecan, _Carya pecan_, and the bitternut, _Carya cordiformis_.
- High hopes are held that that other favorite hickory, the pecan (_H. pecan_) may be grown far outside its native range, and the Indiana pecan is the nut on which these hopes are founded.