IPA: pɛɫˈusʌdɫi
- In a pellucid manner.
Examples of "pellucidly" in Sentences
- From an originalist perspective, it is pellucidly clear that McCain is a natural born citizen.
- He writes so pellucidly that he cannot be edited for clarity, so direct quotation is preferable.
- Yet on closer inspection one is gripped by the cumulative effect of seeing pellucidly through a time-window into a vast cultural morphing process.
- If you are attempting to play with unconventional notions of structure or style, make sure that it is pellucidly clear in the manuscript exactly what you are doing.
- Congress can pass laws pursuant to the naturalization power, but as the Sarge said above, it's pellucidly clear that "natural born" citizen is a differentiation from naturalized citizen; compare Art.
- That attitude is pellucidly reflected in the response of some CINO Congresspersons to the Pope's recent claim that politicians who formally cooperate in abortion, by making and/or keeping abortion legal, are unworthy to receive the Eucharist.
- Last time, I suggested that if you write nonfiction, you might want to use part of your synopsis to establish — gently — your platform, to make it pellucidly clear to agency screener Millicent in even her worst moods that you are indeed uniquely qualified to write the book you are summarizing.
- For one thing -- and this isn't a constitutional point -- as far as I can tell, it's simply not true: If anything, human history (including, of course, obvious dramatic recent examples) pellucidly demonstrates that religious faith is no guarantee at all of righteousness, lack of cruelty, or law-abiding conduct.
- Now we can build upon that excellent rule of thumb with what we learned from the example above: readers are also prone to confuse identities if a narrative introduces too many characters too quickly — or without making it pellucidly clear which in an opening crowd scene are the ones he reader will be expected to remember.
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