IPA: pɛnʌsˈɪɫʌn
- (pharmacology) Any of a group of narrow-spectrum antibiotics obtained from Penicillium molds or synthesized, that have a beta-lactam structure and are active against gram-positive bacteria and used in the treatment of various infections and diseases.
- (mycology) A blue mold of the genus Penicillium that produces penicillin.
Examples of "penicillin" in Sentences
- Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928
- Doctors often prescribe penicillin to treat infections caused by bacteria
- Some people may experience allergic reactions to penicillin, such as hives or difficulty breathing
- Penicillin is used to combat a wide range of bacterial infections, from strep throat to pneumonia
- Overuse of penicillin can lead to antibiotic resistance, making it less effective in treating certain infections