IPA: pˈɛnʌn
- A thin, often triangular flag or streamer, especially as hung from the end of a lance or spear.
- (nautical) A long pointed streamer or flag on a vessel.
- (literary, obsolete) A wing (appendage of an animal's body enabling it to fly); any of the outermost primary feathers on a wing.
Examples of "pennon" in Sentences
- The knight proudly rode into battle with his pennon flying high above his head
- The colorful pennon fluttered in the wind atop the castle, signaling victory
- The pennon was embroidered with the royal crest, symbolizing the king's authority
- The pennon bearer led the procession through the village, drawing the attention of all
- The pennon waved triumphantly as the ship sailed into the harbor, marking the end of a successful voyage