IPA: pˈɛpɝwɝt
- Any of several species of perennial plant in the genus Lepidium (originally specifically dittander, species Lepidium latifolium), which is a member of the mustard and cabbage family.
- Any of various species of plant in the genus Marsilea, especially Marsilea minuta.
Examples of "pepperwort" in Sentences
- Pepperwort is a pungent herb commonly used in salads for its spicy flavor
- The subtle heat of pepperwort adds depth to dishes like soups and stews
- Some people believe that pepperwort has medicinal properties and use it to treat minor ailments
- The peppery taste of pepperwort is reminiscent of arugula or watercress
- In some cultures, pepperwort is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity