IPA: pɝsˈɛpʃʌn
- The organisation, identification and interpretation of sensory information.
- Conscious understanding of something.
- Vision (ability)
- Acuity
- (cognition) That which is detected by the five senses; not necessarily understood (imagine looking through fog, trying to understand if you see a small dog or a cat); also that which is detected within consciousness as a thought, intuition, deduction, etc.
Examples of "perception" in Sentences
- Your perception of the situation may be skewed by your emotions
- People's perception of beauty varies greatly from one person to another
- The artist's use of color and shape can alter the viewer's perception of the painting
- Our perception of time can change depending on how engaged we are in an activity
- Social media can often distort our perception of reality by only showing the highlights of people's lives