IPA: pˈɝkʌɫeɪt
- (rare) A liquid that has been percolated.
- (transitive) To pass a liquid through a porous substance; to filter.
- (intransitive) To drain or seep through a porous substance.
- (transitive) To make (coffee) in a percolator.
- (intransitive, figuratively) To spread slowly or gradually; to slowly become noticed or realised.
Examples of "percolate" in Sentences
- The aroma of fresh coffee began to percolate through the air, enticing everyone in the room
- Ideas began to percolate in her mind as she listened to the thought-provoking presentation
- It takes time for the flavors of the stew to fully percolate and develop
- As the rain fell, the water began to percolate down through the soil, nourishing the plants below
- The news of the scandal slowly began to percolate through the office, causing whispers and speculation among coworkers