IPA: pɝhˈæps
- An uncertainty.
- Possibly.
- (dated) By chance.
Examples of "perhaps" in Sentences
- “I might perhaps go to Leipsic while you are in Constance, -- _perhaps_.”
- But perhaps -- _perhaps_ -- I shall let you off lightly if you tell us where the Banshee lives. "
- Literature: a name perhaps invented by Shakespeare for a character in his play The Merchant of Venice.
- And perhaps it would have been a good fing; _perhaps_ Grandmamma would have told Cook not to send up quite so much, and ---- "
- Here is my duty to Altamaha plain before me; perhaps they ll let me help settle the Negro problems there, perhaps they wont.
- 'that a man of my order -- sincerity, perhaps genius [in the Journal a private note is here inserted, "not _perhaps_"], is not employed.
- That action completely disarms us and perhaps -- I only say _perhaps_ -- justifies you, in a measure, in the stupendous demand which you are now making.
- Perhaps they were worshipers of the Sun; and perhaps, amid all their misery, oh, _perhaps, _ some ray of truth from the great Father of Lights may have streamed into those darkened souls!
- Overseas aidThe indefatigable Scottish though born in Brighton full-back Russell Martin is called the Norfolk Cafu, a nickname perhaps as laden with irony as Ray "the Romford Pelé" Parlour's.
- I will leave you, Sir, I will fly; there will be enough other children to comfort you in your old age, since my mother lays three times a year; I will go far away and hide my misery from you, and perhaps, I added sobbing, perhaps I shall find, in our neighbors garden or in the gutters, some worms or spiders wherewith to support my sad existence.