IPA: pɪriˈɑdɪkʌɫ
- A publication issued regularly, but less frequently than daily.
- A regularly issued thematic publication that contains the most current information in its field, often the primary means for communication of original scholarship or creative work at the cutting edge of research in its field.
- Periodic.
- Published at regular intervals of more than one day, especially weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
- Of, or relating to such a publication.
Examples of "periodical" in Sentences
- I enjoy reading periodicals like newspapers and magazines to stay informed on current events
- My local library has a great selection of periodicals on a wide range of topics
- Subscribing to a periodical is a great way to receive regular updates on a specific subject
- Academic journals are a type of periodical that feature in-depth research articles
- I always make sure to check out the latest issue of my favorite periodical when it arrives in the mail