IPA: pɝmiʌbˈɪɫɪti
- The property of being permeable.
- The rate of flow of a fluid through a porous material.
- (geology) A measure of the ability of a rock to transmit fluids (such as oil or water).
- (physics) A quantitative measure of the degree of magnetization of a material in the presence of an applied magnetic field (measured in newtons per ampere squared in SI units).
Examples of "permeability" in Sentences
- The soil's high permeability allowed water to easily seep through to the roots of the plants
- The scientist conducted experiments to measure the permeability of different types of rock
- The membrane's low permeability prevented the passage of harmful substances into the cell
- In order to improve drainage, the landscaper added a layer of gravel to increase the permeability of the soil
- The permeability of the clothing fabric allowed air to circulate, keeping the wearer cool and comfortable