IPA: pʌtˈɪʃʌnɝ
- (law) Someone who presents a petition to a court.
- Someone who presents a petition to some person in authority.
Examples of "petitioner" in Sentences
- Hopefully the petitioner will be able to successfully pursue a claim in federal court.
- Among soldiers an absence of four years was sufficient to entitle the petitioner to a divorce.
- The petitioner is a negro in actual state of slavery; he claims his freedom, and is bound to prove it.
- "As the petitioner is maimed and poor, he finds it difficult to earn enough for himself and his own child."
- If a case is being appealed, the party bringing the appeal is often called the petitioner or appellant;the other party may be termed the respondent or the appellee.
- The petitioner is actually making some pretty interesting arguments about ownership and control, from a property law perspective, about why this is government speech.
- The majority opinion simply addresses the merits of the case, while the dissent states that the petitioner is not entitled to relief under the prevailing mandamus standards.
- The petitioner is the Bush campaign, and it is widely believed that if in fact the Bush campaign wins, finally, after the hearing on Monday, then the election would be over, that George W. Bush would have won the result in Florida, would gain the 25 electoral votes there.
- "The detective," he resumed, "hereinafter called the petitioner, desiring to protect the innocent maiden from the machinations of a fortune-hunting gentleman no longer with us, contracted as he thought a fraudulent marriage with this unfortunate girl, believing thereby he could choke off the villain who was pursuing her."