IPA: pjˈuɫ
- a family of languages of the fulani people of west africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-saharan regions from senegal to chad; the best known of the west african languages
Examples of "peul" in Sentences
- True Guineans are nice people but the peul/fulani ethnic group behave like animals and the police force handled them like such.
- I'm speaking 5 languages: French and wolof (my native language) well, trying to speak English and Spanish and peul (another national language) but just a little bit.
- -- Tok xohpe [c] a oh Cakchequel vinak, kitzih vi chi xambey chic xoh peul pa Tullan, mani hunchic [c] o can ok xoh pe, que cha ri [t] a [t] avitz, Çactecauh, xoh pixabax chi pe: He ree ahay a chinamit he, que ucheex [c] ari [t] eka [c] uch, Ba [c] ahol, Cibakihay.