IPA: fˈeɪrˈɪndʒiʌɫ
- (phonetics) A sound that is articulated with the pharynx; ellipsis of pharyngeal consonant..
- (anatomy) Of or pertaining to the pharynx.
- (phonetics) Articulated with the pharynx; a term usually describing a consonant which is articulated by the rear area of the tongue being raised to below the region between the uvula and the pharyngeal wall. The term cannot apply to a plosive or stop consonant.
Examples of "pharyngeal" in Sentences
- To those who are versed in ichthyology, these are known as pharyngeal teeth, because they are connected with the pharynx.
- These folds, now called pharyngeal arches, later develop into the outer and middle ear as well as the nerves, and glands of the neck.
- •Raises the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer by 20% and risk of breast cancer by 8% among people who have one or fewer drinks a day.
- •Associated with a fivefold increase in risk of oral, pharyngeal and esophageal cancers in people who have four or more drinks per day.
- On the posterior wall is a prominence, best marked in childhood, produced by a mass of lymphoid tissue, which is known as the pharyngeal tonsil.
- Above the pharyngeal tonsil, in the middle line, an irregular flask-shaped depression of the mucous membrane sometimes extends up as far as the basilar process of the occipital bone; it is known as the pharyngeal bursa.
- After all, excess weight can be associated withabnormal fat deposits on various structures of the vocal tract including the uvula, soft palate, lateral and posterior walls of the pharyngeal walls, and the posterior region of the tongue.