
IPA: fˈoʊneɪt


  • (intransitive) To make sounds with the voice.
  • (transitive) To use the voice to make (specific sounds).


  • voiced

Examples of "phonate" in Sentences

  • Once onstage there was no way I could phonate on certain notes.
  • They can crudely chew and phonate mediated by other cranial nerves but can't smile or frown or otherwise express emotion.
  • The _ventricular bands_ or false vocal cords vicariously phonate in the absence of the true cords, and assist in the protective function of the larynx.
  • The movements of the vocal cords should be observed during both respiration and phonation, and for the latter purpose the patient should be directed to phonate the vowel sound "eh."
  • "First, the ability to learn new vocal tones and phonate them; second, the ability to arrange the tones according to a rule; third, the ability to match the tones and meanings; and fourth, the ability to use the voice appropriately in a population.

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