IPA: pˈaɪ
- The 16th letter of the Classical and Modern Greek alphabets and the seventeenth in Old Greek.
- (mathematics) An irrational and transcendental constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its diameter; approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950; usually written π.
- (letterpress typography) Metal type that has been spilled, mixed together, or disordered.
- (typography) pica (conventionally, 12 points = 1 pica, 6 picas ≈ 1 inch).
- Piaster.
- (historical) A county of Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
- Abbreviation of Piauí., a state of Brazil. [A state of the Northeast Region, Brazil. Capital: Teresina]
- Initialism of Prison Industries (the prison-run work program for inmates)
- (US, Philippines, historical, dated) Initialism of The Philippine Islands.
- (informatics, SGML, XML) Initialism of processing instruction.
- Initialism of partial induction (see AI)
- Initialism of personal injury. [(law) An injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property.]
- Initialism of politically incorrect (see PC)
- Initialism of principal investigator (lead researcher on a grant-funded project) [(sciences) lead researcher on a grant-funded project]
- Initialism of private investigator. [An agent hired by a private party for the purpose of investigation or evidence gathering.]
- (biochemistry) Abbreviation of phosphatidylinositol (a phospholipid component of eukaryotic cell membranes, also abbreviated in PtdIns) [(chemistry) a phospholipid containing inositol]
- (pharmacology) Initialism of protease inhibitor. [(biochemistry) Any molecule that inhibits the function of proteases (enzymes that aid the cleavage of proteins), e.g. alpha-1 antitrypsin.]
- (organic chemistry) Initialism of polyimide. [(chemistry) Any polymer whose monomers are imides; used to make high-temperature resins]
- (medicine) Initialism of ponderal index. [An anthropometric statistic that combines the height and weight of an individual, similar to the body mass index.]
- (surgery) Initialism of penile inversion.
- (electronics) Initialism of power integrity.
- Abbreviation of prohibited immigrant.
- (fan fiction category) Initialism of pseudoincest. [Sexual involvement between family members who are not blood relations (e.g., siblings by adoption, stepparents and stepchildren, in-laws).]
- (automotive) Initialism of port injection. (fuel injection)
- (psychology) Initialism of paradoxical intention. [(psychotherapy) A psychotherapeutic technique used to treat anxiety by repeatedly rehearsing the anxiety-inducing pattern of thought or behaviour, often with exaggeration and humor.]
- (letterpress typography) To spill or mix printing type.
- (typography) Not part of the usual font character set; especially, non-Roman type or symbols as opposed to standard alphanumeric Roman type.
- Pious.
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