IPA: pˈɪɫtʃɝd
- Any of various small oily fish related to herrings, family Clupeidae.
Examples of "pilchard" in Sentences
- The pilchard is a little fish resembling a small herring.
- Actually, the best sardine (pilchard) I ever had was pan-sized - salted and flame grilled until the skin was black.
- And the Penguin chews the scenery as if coated in pilchard paste and quacks "Penguins mate for life" into Catwoman's ear.
- Despite the introduction of laws restricting the catch, the pilchard population has never fully recovered in this part of the world.
- Once made aware of the huge numbers of penguins that could die as a result of this food shortage, Valli Moosa agreed to temporarily lift the restrictions on the pilchard catch.
- After the local pilchard and anchovy stocks collapsed, the penguins were forced to search out new and less abundant prey items, such as gobe, red hake, and squid, but it was already too late.
- Because of the dramatic decline in the pilchard population in the Western Cape area, local fishing restrictions had previously been put into place in an attempt to increase the numbers of these fish.
- With the birds confined to this small space, and with no way to escape, most eventually opened their mouths to eat when a pilchard was firmly and persistently pressed against the sides of their beaks.
- There are many species of Clupeidae, with varying sizes and tastes, from the Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, to the pilchard much loved in England, and often served in tomato sauce, to the tiny sprat, best smoked and eaten bones and all.