
IPA: pˈɪnɪŋ


  • The action of the verb pin in any sense.
  • A ceremony in which a pin badge is given.
  • (physics) The establishment of the definite quantum state of a particle, or of the occupation number of a system of particles

Examples of "pinning" in Sentences

  • Where I think Horowitz goes wrong is in pinning the problem to academic freedom.
  • The figures are also hard to work with, pinning is a skill that needs to be mastered …
  • He notes the because of the inherent difficulty in pinning down descriptions and categories of sounds,
  • (And if I had been allowed a follow up question, I would have succeeded in pinning his hide to the wall.)
  • Conceivably, but I find it hard to follow the conventional market watchers in pinning such a sharp decline on a very slightly higher CPI number than expected.
  • He starts by settling in ... pinning back his ears: ponders his surrounding for a few minutes: then gives in to gravity, his head sinks to the ground and he slips into slumber; another busy day in the life of a dog!
  • Alas, the size of that market was too tempting for the short-sighted, and in pinning their success to China they bound themselves to an irrational and inconsistent regime and enslaved their business to the whim of a dictator.
  • Their salvation and future prosperity lie not in pinning their faith on American aid and aggressive military blocs but in breaking away from her, in repudiating her foreign policy which threatens to drag them into another war, and in proclaiming a policy of peace and friendship with other nations.
  • Under English rule the great object of the police is to take the "amok" runner alive, and have him tried like an ordinary criminal for murder; and if he can be brought to bay, as he sometimes is, they succeed in pinning him to the wall by means of such a stout two-pronged fork as I saw kept for the purpose in Malacca.

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