IPA: pˈaɪpɝ
- A musician who plays a pipe.
- A bagpiper.
- A baby pigeon.
- A common European gurnard (Trigla lyra), having a large head, with prominent nasal projection, and with large, sharp, opercular spines.
- A sea urchin (Cidaris cidaris) with very long spines, native to the American and European coasts.
- (slang, obsolete) A broken-winded hack horse.
- A surname originating as an occupation.
- A female given name transferred from the surname, used since the mid-twentieth century, first by the American actress Piper Laurie.
- An American aviation manufacturer, Piper Aircraft Inc, named after early owner William T. Piper
- An airplane made by Piper
- Archaic form of pepper. [A plant of the family Piperaceae.]
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