IPA: pˈaɪtiʌs
- Provoking pity, compassion, or sympathy.
- (obsolete) Showing devotion to God.
- (obsolete) Showing compassion.
- (obsolete) Of little importance or value.
Examples of "piteous" in Sentences
- I think there is a better word than 'piteous' -- yes, Clement had just told it me.
- Multitudes perish by famine, a very sore judgment, and piteous is the case of those that fall under it.
- It does not become the young man of the period to imitate too closely his ancestral Father Adam, and cry out in piteous tones: --
- Isidore recalled the piteous words uttered by Marguerite as she dropped the letter, and the truth flashed across his mind at once.
- “O my lady, I am a banisht wight and with passion for a beloved one in piteous plight, nor with other will I consent to love-delight.”
- That which makes his case the more piteous is that he is not himself aware of his misery and danger; he goes blindfold, nay, he goes laughing to his ruin.
- He fell, calling in piteous tones to a padre who was in the coach, entreating him to stop and confess him, and groaning out a farewell to his friend the driver.
- To this day I recall the piteous expressions of two or three of these wounded horses, as they raised their heads in their suffering and looked at us as we passed between them.
- How piteous is the case of mankind, which thus seems to be in a combination against itself, and its own rights and liberties, which could not be ruined but by its own strength!
- Such it appears, at least, from the Place Saint André des Arts. Symbolically it might be called a piteous appeal, always rejected by souls hardened and hammered by vice, of that anvil which was only an optical illusion, and that very real bell.
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