
IPA: pɫˈeɪgraʊnd


  • (outdoors) A large open space for children to play in, usually having dedicated play equipment (such as swings and slides).
  • (figuratively) Any physical or metaphysical space in which a person or organization has free rein to do as they please.

Examples of "playground" in Sentences

  • I take little stock in playground name-calling ...
  • The playground is usually done from the tires that are recycled.
  • One of the best materials which can be used to build a playground is rubber mulch.
  • The accepted behavior of a playground is to be as loud and rambunctious as you want to have a good time.
  • A playground is an essential part of any childhood, as it really is a place where a spirit can be refreshed as children smile, laugh and imagine.
  • It stinks to high heaven that a butt-muffin playground bully such as Blankenship has the right to, in effect, murder people for the sake of profit.
  • The joy of a playground is feeling the “land” under your feet as you run, jump and return to stable ground, as it truly is a ground that one plays on.
  • Anyone who compares being stocked with nuclear weapons to being bullied on the playground is a moron, though I would love to play Dodgeball with Palin - may knock some sense into her!
  • To get the playground on the roof of the school house recognized as the _public playground_ seemed a long step toward turning it into a general neighborhood evening resort, that should be always open, and so towards bringing school and people, and especially the school and the boy, together in a bond of mutual sympathy good for them both.
  • When I think of the old Allen Street school, with its hard and ugly lines, where the gas had to be kept burning even on the brightest days, recitations suspended every half-hour, and the children made to practice calisthenics so that they should not catch cold while the windows were opened to let in fresh air; of the dark playground downstairs, with the rats keeping up such a racket that one could hardly hear himself speak at times; or of that other East Side “playground” where the boys “weren’t allowed to speak above a whisper, ” so as not to disturb those studying overhead, I fancy that I can make out both the cause and the cure of the boy’s desperation.

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