
IPA: prʌgrˈɛʃʌn


  • The act of moving from one thing to another.
  • The act of moving forward or proceeding in a course; motion onward.
  • (mathematics) A sequence obtained by adding or multiplying each term by a constant.
  • Development, increase, evolution.
  • (music, countable) A chord progression.
  • (exercise) The process of making an exercise more strenuous by manipulating the details of its performance like loaded weight, range of motion, angle, speed.

Examples of "progression" in Sentences

  • In strength training, you must also keep challenging your muscles to grow, which we call progression.
  • In quarterback parlance, the word "progression" is used often, as in, "John Beck went through his progressions well today."
  • A woman's career progression is slowed when there is inadequate childcare provision, or when they are perceived to be the main carer of children.
  • “The values of the function of _x, ce__kx__, increase according to the terms of a geometrical progression as the variable x increases in arithmetical progression_ ....
  • Ralph wrote, “Certainly freedom CAN contribute to a prosperous nation, but since one is political and the other economic there is no necessary progression from the one to the other.”
  • What I love about this progression is that, while the movement from remake to remake is sped up by technology (the invention of the printing press), no one knows any of those other names.
  • They write: “As services, like goods before them, increasingly become commoditized—think of long-distance telephone services sold solely on price—experiences have emerged as the next step in what we call the progression of economic value”
  • "Into the Storm" documents my hair raising tales as an extreme storm chaser, as well as my progression from a young thrill-seeker to scientist willing to risk my life to contribute to the young and exciting science of tornadoes and hurricanes.

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