IPA: prʌgrˈɛsɪvnʌs
- The quality of being progressive
Examples of "progressiveness" in Sentences
- So, she's not progressive enough, but her progressiveness is a problem.
- No way was I going into that; my so-called progressiveness has huge limits, lol.
- He was a Liberal, and in the district was regarded as a "Red," but even his progressiveness was a bore.
- It quantifies what he is searched in connection with in Google and computes a "progressiveness" (or lack thereof) result.
- That approach would give us a much better sense of what she has been like as a Senator than any attempt to numerically rate her "progressiveness".
- Whatever it is that day, we make our gripes, put his "progressiveness" in meanie scare quotes, or maybe even go all the way with "so-called progressive."
- I've seen it argued by conservative religionist that the reason why liberals accept evolution is because of the idea of progressiveness in the facts and theories.
- For though his progressiveness is a consequence of his rationality, still there is no actual reference to progressiveness contained in the usually accepted definition, 'Man is a rational animal.'
- And "progressiveness" can easily be increased by giving everyone a lump sum refund that is a larger portion of total consumption for the poor than the rich, and/or exempting from tax items that form a larger portion of the budgets of the poor than rich.
- I hereby propose that all academics who call for a boycott of Israel be called out for the disgusting racists they are, because somehow, for some obscure reason, despite all their so-called 'progressiveness' and vaunted 'compassion' they have managed to be completely blind to Hamas' blatant anti-semitism, racial bigotry and institutionalized hatred toward Jews.