IPA: prʌnʌnsiʌmˈɛntoʊ
- A manifesto or formal public declaration, originally political; a proclamation.
- In Mexico and Latin America, an uprising or insurrection.
Examples of "pronunciamento" in Sentences
- When shall we tune in KUOW for your pronunciamento?
- A pronunciamento is where the military at the behest of civilian authority acts.
- MacArthur, with his “pronunciamento,” wrote Acheson, had perpetrated a major act of sabotage.
- But a few years before that Huxley and his colleagues got up a kind of pronunciamento deploring the existing state of affairs.
- It's no accident that the favored form of pronunciamento for Sarah Palin, before she discovered Twitter, that is, was the Facebook status update.
- Il 1° maggio, 21 dei firmatari della precedente lettera si rivolsero quindi al cardinale William Levada, prefetto della congregazione per la dottrina della fede, chiedendo alla congregazione un pronunciamento chiarificatore sulla dottrina della Chiesa in materia di aborto.