
IPA: prʌfˈɛtɪkɫi


  • In a prophetic manner.
  • As a prophecy.

Examples of "prophetically" in Sentences

  • “Someday, you may want these,” she had said prophetically.
  • Eastern Islands, which have been called prophetically “the England of the
  • Theodoret's words are remarkable; "phoresomen, He used the expression prophetically not hortatively."
  • Proverbs 29:7 intones prophetically that “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”
  • It was a glorious morning, but our boat-steerer shook his head ominously as he glanced at the rising sun and prophetically muttered: "Red sun in the morning, sailor take warning."
  • In particular they have deleted the part where he warned about the dangers of sub-prime mortgages in the USA and called prophetically for a new global regulatory systems to stave off a credit meltdown in a decade's time.
  • Whether God ordained special laws for other nations also, and revealed Himself to their lawgivers prophetically, that is, under the attributes by which the latter were accustomed to imagine Him, I cannot sufficiently determine.
  • The fact is that unless some tax cutting conservatives are brought in fast (to cut the top marginal rate to less than 30%, and to eliminate the capital gains tax), America as we know it will cease to exist, as Alan Keyes so prophetically predicted.
  • Second, although as one whose whole mission in life now is to speak "prophetically," raising a moral voice to confront this amoral power, I am eager to conclude that the Democrats should speak boldly and clearly, I can see some reasons for uncertainty about the wisdom of that course.
  • Did religion stand prophetically on the side of the poor demanding social justice (as some Christians believe Jesus did), or did religion forestall social reform, providing deadening consolation for economic injustice (as Karl Marx argued in speaking of religion as the “opiate of the masses”)?

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