IPA: prʌpˈɪʃʌsɫi
- In a propitious manner.
Examples of "propitiously" in Sentences
- Admittedly, Warner's account does not start propitiously.
- But so far the facts are not shaping up propitiously for George W. Bush.
- But the stars aren't aligned so propitiously for the rest of the 'hood holdouts.
- Yesterday was a big day for Boeing as it rolled out its 787 Dreamliner – propitiously on 7/08/07 American date style.
- These records handed down the ages as inert sacred relics of another era, were preserved somewhat unwittingly, yet propitiously, by our order.
- The year started out propitiously for him as Cuban-backed Sandinista guerrillas overthrew Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, but it ended in ignominy.
- Themis, so propitiously indulgent to the foibles of the fair, been resorted to on the occasion, but even Mars seemed ready to enter upon the tapis, if Hymen had not intervened.
- ON the face of it, there could be no better person to tame the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam than Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, whose second name propitiously means the "King of Force" in Malay.
- What I did not consider, when reflecting on what I saw as a propitiously timed news story, was that Noticias 'source may have spoken with deliberate vaguenessthat, while I was traveling to Magude in search of what women remembered, Magude's deslocados were traveling in search of memory itself.
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