
IPA: prʌpˈɔrʃʌnʌɫi


  • In proportion; in due degree; adapted relatively.

Examples of "proportionally" in Sentences

  • I still see double hyphens used in proportionally spaced fonts.
  • The two are pulling in proportionally equal chunks of PAC money vs. individual contributions.
  • Not many losers are Republicans proportionally, which is why Buchanan ran into problems down the road.
  • More than 800 Israelis were killed, which, in American terms proportionally, would be more than 40,000 people.
  • Pick-a-party SUMMARY: My sense is that McMorris will gain proportionally in the General, compared to the primary.
  • This resulted in proportionally higher levels of gene products (i.e. plasma angiotensinogen protein) and, importantly, proportionally higher blood pressure with increasing gene copy number.
  • Part-time workers should be entitled proportionally to the same statutory protection as full time workers, the government's green paper on a new employment standards statute for South Africa says.
  • Francis Pizarro as their generall, according to his decree and calling proportionally, had more then any of the rest, ouer and besides the massie table of gold which Atabalipa had in his Letter, which waighed 25000. pezos of gold: neuer were there before that day souldiers so rich in so small a time, and with so little danger And in this iourney for want of yron, they did shoe their horses, some with gold, and some with siluer.

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